ControlPlex® Board Software

Software packages to ensure fast and reliable system integration

The software packages for ControlPlex®System offer the customer quick and easy access to all information concerning the DC 24 V power supply. Implementation time of the components in the control unit, start-up of the entire system, downtimes and trouble-shooting will be reduced.


ControlPlex®Views gives you complete access to all components of the ControlPlex® system via the USB interface. The software will be installed on your computer with a windows operating system. After installing the programme, the service computer can easily be connected to the system. The programme will then supply any information given by the ControlPlex® system and it also allows parameterisation. Thus, the system can even be operated without a superordinate control unit and start-up is possible without bus communication.

Download: ControlPlex®®Views software for communication with CPC

Download portal of the ControlPlex®Systems