E-T-A is World Market Leader Champion

Independent investigation of the St. Gallen University confirms our market positionThe new world market leader index of the St. Gallen University and the Akademie Deutscher Weltmarktführer (academy of German world market leaders - ADWM) lists E-T-A as a world market leader champion in the segment of “circuit breakers for equipment protection and circuit protectors”...
サーマル式サーキットプロテクタ 3120-N:All-in-One solution

多くのエンジニアが悩んでいる装置の小型化、信頼性の向上、コストダウン、この悩みに対してサーマル式サーキットプロテクタ3120-Nは最適なオールインワンソリューションとなります 。 3120-Nは過電流を確実に遮断し、ON / OFFのスイッチとしても機能します。 過電流による遮断の後、ユーザーは3120-Nを簡単かつ迅速にリセットして装置の動作を再開できます。 ヒューズの交換は不要となり、作業員の派遣は不要となります。。。
EPR10 Electronic Power Relay increases productive service times of utility vehicles

The EPR electronic power relay was designed for utility vehicles and special vehicles with a focus on reliability and functional safety. Its novel design allows new rooms to manoeuvre in vehicle construction and installation.
The EPR10 is suitable for high continuous currents up to 200A at DC 24 V.
Bistable MPR10 relay - optimising energy and CO2 consumption

The bistable MPR10 relay has particularly been designed for demanding applications in utility vehicles, construction machinery, agricultural vehicles and special vehicles.
Typical applications of the MPR10 include switching of high current loads and disconnecting the battery from the on-board electrical system. It is water-proof, dust-proof, corrosion-proof and voltage-proof over the entire life span...
Electronic circuit protector REX12-T - economical and flexible

The innovative and modular solution: The REX12-T electronic circuit protector is the new generation of electronic overcurrent protection: Thanks to its unique flap-hinged mechanism, up to 16 circuit protectors can be placed side-by-side on a symmetrical rail and can be connected electrically.
No bridges, jumpers or busbars required!